You have to start somewhere
I have been meaning to start blogging and writing for a long time. I've started several tumblr sites but never followed through, and even though I'm on my own website now sitting here typing I may get sidetracked and not post again. Hopefully that isn't the case, and even if no one is reading I will still be putting my thoughts out here. Ready to find for any curious individual. I thought I'd start with something that has intrigued me for several years, and that is windmill farms.
I know that's a strange first ramble, but why not. For years I've been fascinated with the windmill farms I see in Eastern Washington. They stand on the rolling hills and plains of the desert proud and tall. They are beautiful. A collection of white pillars and blades cutting into the sky and extracting energy for us to use. When I was in high school I watched an anime series called Macross Plus and it's still one of my favorites. The first episode of the series has the protagonists racing down a hill through a windmill farm and the very first shot of the series is a beautiful scene with a bank of windmills. Just before you see that shot the screens reads "Dedicated to all pioneers" and for some reason that struck a chord with me at the time and has continued to do so into my adulthood. When I first saw that I saw a future for technology, art, creation, and exploration. Since then that's been something I've chased. Marrying technology to creation. I am by no means a great artist, but I enjoy the process of making things. Of bringing ideas into the world and making them visible for people to see. You can see I've rambled on from talking about windmills, but that's what this blog will be. A rambling record of my thoughts. It will likely be infrequent, but who knows. For now enjoy this photo of the windmills I took last weekend while traveling to my cousin's wedding. One day I'd love to do a proper shoot of a windmill farm, but for now photos from the highway are the best I can do.
April 2016 I-90 Eastern WA