Andy EstesComment

New Beginnings

Andy EstesComment
New Beginnings

Over the years I’ve tried to start this web project several times. After all this time I still don’t know what shape it should take, or even what I want to say. I fight myself wondering what cohesive element should bring it together, and insist that I shouldn’t publish it until I know that. After all of the craziness of this year I feel like quite honestly that doesn’t matter now. What life has been and what it will be in the future are now going to be vastly different, and I shouldn’t wait for the perfect answer. I can generally keep up with my Instagram posting, but there are always more images that I want to share and it’s hard to tell a story there. I’m going to do my best here. If I can develop a habit of photographing and telling stories then that will be enough. Here’s to making something out of 2020. The year that was lost and the year that signaled change for everything.